Hey Earthlings !
TASHA is her name . Born to be a December baby , as well as a chocoholic . Judge me for all you want , cuz I don't give it a damn . Treat me well and I'll treat you twice better , give me attitude and don't blame me if I make hell out of your life .
Justin Drew Bieber and Miley Ray Cyrus are my all-time favourite . Bruno Mars is great too ! ♥
Check out my twitter or tumblr if you wanna know me better . Ask me questions in formspring ;) And ouhh , I sure have Facebook too ! :D

Yours sincerely ,

Friday, July 16, 2010


Hey Earthlings ,
I'm back for posting ! :D

Past few days were really great and A W E S O M E days for me . Still remember that there's one of those days when I laughed so hard for kinda few times til I became sitted on the floor . LOL .

Well , today's Maths lesson was totally fucked up . Learned new chapter today . At first , I could understand kinda well , til I became lost at some parts . So I raised my hand to seek help from my teacher . And guess what ? I've been raising my hand like half dead already but the teacher still don't care . SCREWED UP . -.- In the end , I gave up and just ignore the whole bloody lesson .
English was awesome , cuz Mrs Goh has came back to teach us . ^^ Recess was pretty fine . Was discussing about the debate stuffs during CME period . Geog were fine .
Went to training from 12 to 0330pm . Things went on quite well today , thank god .

Well , I'm ending here .
Goodbye :D