Well , today's Monday , 12072010 . Time flies very fast rite ? Sigh . Today is already the 5th month I'm not talking to him . :(
It's not that I don't wanna apologize , but it's just that I haven't found any right time to do so . :(
Ouhh , fine . I shall stop all these emo stuffs .
So , PE in the morning after assembly today . Trained volleyball w some volleyball players . Then english , followed by recess . Science after recess . DAMN BORING I tell you . I feel like sleeping already lor ! -.-" Maths was fun . Art was okayokay . Music was , I don't know what to say . Sigh .
Bused down to west mall together w Yulin , Qianling , Shiying , Sharon , Zhengnan & Jireh . KFC-ed w them for lunch . Then window shopped before going t Popular t buy stuffs . Slacked at Mac's awhile before going home . Reached home at 0510pm .
I didn't go for training today as mum asked me to rest at home due to the incident that happened on Saturday . -.-"
Btw , had fun snatching Yujie's SUPER CUTE water bottle today after school ! HAHA^^
Okay lahh , Byebye :D