Ouhh hello earthlings ! :D
Sorry for not posting yesterday as I'm super duper tired and reached home at around 7 plus . -.-
Time flies damn fast yesterday , [ Y ] ! Lessons were all fine :D Training started at 1200pm , and ended at 0500pm as there's friendly match yesterday . Everything was A W E S O M E . I don't know why , so don't ask me why ;) Slacked at sports hall w Diana and Rissa after training til 6 plus . We chatted and crapped ^^
So i skipped training today as I don't feel like going and furthermore , I'm under medical excuse . HAHAHA . Woke up kinda late at 1230pm today and first thing that came t my mind was , PIZZA ! LOLs . Phoned mum , and she asks me t go t her workplace , probably having pizza for dinner . Yummmmy ! :DDD
Maggi for lunch , then went t online . Downloaded some stuffs and I'm now gonna get ready t head out of this house t grab my PIZZA that I've been craving for decades . Yeahh , DECADES . In my own world . LOL . Gonna go mad soon if I didn't go out today , cuz this little insane brother of mine kept finding me t play ben10 w him . -.- Well , fine . Today's post is kinda rushy cuz I'm seriously in hurry now . Btw , I've discovered a new song and I kinda start t love it . Well , the song is my new blog song now . Enjoy ! :D
Goodbye and take care ;
Love y'all . ♥