Hey Earthlings !
TASHA is her name . Born to be a December baby , as well as a chocoholic . Judge me for all you want , cuz I don't give it a damn . Treat me well and I'll treat you twice better , give me attitude and don't blame me if I make hell out of your life .
Justin Drew Bieber and Miley Ray Cyrus are my all-time favourite . Bruno Mars is great too ! ♥
Check out my twitter or tumblr if you wanna know me better . Ask me questions in formspring ;) And ouhh , I sure have Facebook too ! :D

Yours sincerely ,

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I run to you ♥

Hi readers ! :D
Reached school at 0720am this morning and had assembly . Everything went on well and I love chinese class today . Know why ? Cuz I get to poke poke SOH YU JIE ! Hahaha ^^ But end up get pinched by him twice and I could feel the piercing pain even without touching it . -.-
Went t library for one hour w Sharon after school while waiting for Shiying t serve her detention . After that , went t Mac's t take lunch . Then went t the playground there t play swing . I swear that i became like a blur sotong after being so hyper there . Cuz I don't even know what YeeHong text me liao ... -.-"
Had great fun there and went home at 5 . Reached home around 6 plus , and had dinner . Mummy cooked for me today . Well , I must say THANKS t ChuaYeeHong for being my good listener . THAAAAANKSSSS ! :D

Okay , goodbye readers . In hurry now . :D